There were no areas with commercially viable quantities of nuts in 2007. This is the first year in living memory in which there has not been a significant harvest from Nevada.
Utah's major commercial pinyon nut areas are located in the singleleaf pinyon belt in the Indian Peaks and Mountain Home Range. Pinyon in this area produced very few nuts in 2007. Pinyon dealers attributed the crop failure to a combination of a very dry winter and an early warm dry spring. The Utah BLM did not conduct a commercial pinyon nut auction in 2007.
The Pinus edulis (Colorado pinyon) crop showed somewhat better cone production. However, overall the crop was relatively light and very spotty.
Information on the 2007 Utah crop was provided by:
Page, Southwest Utah Zone Forester
Bureau of Land Management
176 East D.L. Sargent Drive
Cedar City, Utah 84720
phone: 435-865-3015
fax: 435-865-3058
Updated November 2007